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Defines a new stack of services exposed on a target subdomain. The name will be used as a subdomain and should be unique per target and environment.

Multiple exposed services

When you define a complete stack for your application, you may have multiple services exposed. This is totally allowed by seelf. When identifying services which must be exposed, the first one in alphabetical order will become the default service and take the default subdomain.

Other services will be exposed using a subdomain on the default one.


Only 2 environments are managed by seelf at the moment: production and staging.


Any updates on an application environment will trigger a redeploy of the latest deployment.

Each one of those environment can be deployed on a separate target and configured appropriately with specific environment variables.


When you update an environment target, if at least one successful deployment have been made on the old target, a cleanup job will be queued, meaning all resources for this specific application and environment will be deleted on the old target.

This prevent a target from having dangling applications.


Represents the main environment. The default service will be exposed on <target scheme>://<app name>.<target root url>. Any additional exposed services will add another level such as <target scheme>://<service name>.<app name>.<target root url>.


For the staging environment, a -staging suffix is added to the application name: <target scheme>://<app name>-staging.<target root url>.


Deleting an application will (if at least one deployment has been successful on a target) remove everything created by seelf on it:

  • Containers
  • Images
  • Networks
  • Volumes


If you want to delete an application and the cleanup could not be done correctly because of a particular situation, you can cancel the cleanup job from the jobs page.